Displaying configurations


When the results of a NewMDSX procedure are displayed in the editor window, clicking on the Graphics button will display the configuration (if any) for which the numerical data are listed following the current cursor position, or when the cursor is located inside the corresponding line-printer-style plotted results . Note that, following the convention of the original MDS(X) programs, values are rescaled according to the largest absolute coordinate value in the configuration displayed.

The data are shown in pseudo-3-dimensional form, starting with the first three dimensions, or simply in 2 dimensions, as appropriate. For higher-dimensional configurations, Andrews plots are offered as an alternative to viewing a series of pseudo-3-dimensional displays. The Back and Forward buttons change the combinations of dimensions displayed if the configuration selected contains more than three dimensions.  

In displaying joint plots generated by MDPREF, MINIRSA or PREFMAP, stimuli are labelled in blue and identified by an additional letter S

When displaying two-dimensional results from CORRESP, INDSCAL or MDPREF, an additional menu item Vectors enables you optionally to plot rows or subjects as vectors. INDSCAL 2D plots additionally show the diagonal "line of equal weighting" of the dimensions and, when vectors are displayed, an arc of unit length.

Click on the buttons or use the short-cut keys shown to rotate and zoom the display. Click on the menu item Reflect to reflect it about the vertical or horizontal axes  (to see reflection about dimension 2, first rotate the display into two dimensions).

Click on the menu item Labels, where available, to adjust the maximum number of characters, the font and character size displayed in point labels.

Clicking Grid toggles the grid lines on the horizontal plane, or in 2D plots, on and off.

Click on points in the display to highlight their labels; click on Refresh  to cancel the highlights. 

Some basic drawing functions are toggled on and off by clicking on their respective buttons on the toolbar. When they are operative, a hand pointer cursor appears, which is changed back to the default arrow cursor when the facility is toggled off again. Toggling Draw allows freehand drawing on the display with the mouse button depressed, to highlight features of interest. TogglingLine draws straight lines, from a point where a mouse button is depressed to a point where it is lifted. Toggling Ellipse draws the ellipse within a notional rectangle outlined by using the mouse in a similar manner. Line Colour and Line Thickness allow you to change the colour and thickness in pixels of lines drawn. Clicking Text causes a box to appear to enter text. On closing this box, move the mouse to the position required and press a mouse button to add the text to the image displayed. Finally, toggling Erase allows you to erase the display as required. Clicking on Refresh will clear all lines and annotations added and return to the original image selected. The image as amended must be saved immediately on completion of drawing and erasing, as any additions will be lost when the display is reoriented.  

With a mouse button, drag the pointer to a new location and release the mouse button again to move the display around inside the window to be able to concentrate on particular parts of it.

Click on the axis end points to see the effect of incremental clockwise rotations of the configuration, where appropriate, with respect to the selected axis. (The numerical keys 1, 2, and 3 have the same result.)

Use Configuration to keep track of this process, and save rotated configurations if required.

Click on Save Display to save the current display in a file. Alternatively, you may use Alt+PrtScr to save the current display to the clipboard for inclusion in other files.

Click on Quit or use the Alt+F4 key combination, to close the display.